Welsh Government Sprinkler Pilot Study Interim Report and Householders Guide to Fire Sprinklers

15th January 2016

The Welsh Government has published an interim report on the sprinkler pilot study and an associated householders guide. Links to the documents are below. The study, even at this early stage, has produced some useful learning objectives and will continue to collate information until the final report is issued which is expected by June 2016.

The householders guide has been prepared to assist householders who have had a sprinkler system installed obtain clear basic knowledge of the system. This has been prepared in association with the Pilot Study Steering Group and RSL’s Group.

Pilot Study Report – http://gov.wales/topics/planning/buildingregs/publications/welsh-government-sprinkler-pilot-study-interim-report/?lang=en

Householders Guide – http://gov.wales/topics/planning/buildingregs/publications/householders-guide-to-fire-sprinklers/?lang=en


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